March 2016
March 2016 eFederal Systems joins with American Green Technologies to provide HRMS active air treatment system as a combimed anti-microbial LED fixture to hospitals, clinics, and other areas of high human traffic.
March 2016 eFederal Systems joins with American Green Technologies to provide HRMS active air treatment system as a combimed anti-microbial LED fixture to hospitals, clinics, and other areas of high human traffic.
January 2016 eFederal Systems is pleased to announce that Carolina Orthotics and Prosthetics for Charleston SC has award eFederal a contract to retrofit all nine (9) facilities with new LED lighting.
November 2015 eFederal Systems is pleased to announce that Army has awarded eFederal Systems a contract to supply LED lighting to Ft Drum.
Septemeber 2015 eFederal Systems is pleased to announce that NOAA has awarded eFederal Systems a contract to supply “American Made” LED lighting to three (3) facilities in the north east part of the country.
September 2012 eFederal Systems is pleased to announce that the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office of Loudoun VA, hired eFederal to perform a technology assessment and to provide a series of recommendations for current and future technology enhancements to better service the citizens of the county and provide better officer safety.
July 2012 NIH awards eFederal Systems with a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for reverse auction services